COETAIL Final Project – Flipped programming

There is often a satisfaction that goes along with things coming full circle, not so in this case. First of all, I don’t like that my “official” COETAIL journey is coming to an end. In some weird way I will miss the stress of writing weekly blog posts and pushing myself to try new things….

Dear Future COETAILer …

I’m not in the business of handing out advice, I rarely offer advice even when people ask for it. But I couldn’t pass up this opportunity to offer future COETAILers some advice as they embark on their journey … Dear Future COETAILer, Congratulations! You have decided to embark on the most wonderful, insane, exciting, and…

Mea Culpa …

… Mea Maxima Culpa I spent my formative years in Belgium being educated by Jesuits. As much as I hated it at the time they did provide me with a solid education and 3 years of forced labor in a Latin class allows me to pull out smart-sounding quotes like “Mea Maxima Culpa”. If you…

Course 5 Final(ly) Project

Introduction Well, it’s been a long time in the making but I finally have a plan for my final COETAIL project. The past few months have been a wild ride: going through units, coming up with ideas and rejecting ideas, elation and despair. I thought I had a few solid ideas at the end of Course…

Course 4 Final Project

It’s going to be a fun semester: Teaching 5 different classes, setting up a new STEM team, packing up our lives to move (don’t know where yet) and to top it all of let’s just throw in a final project for COETAIL. What was I thinking!? I’ve given this a lot of thought and I’m…

Showdown in SA – Part Deux

8 months ago Angela (@alanglands) and I engaged in a showdown over whether or not schools should limit a student’s access to the web. As our fourth course winds its way to completion this week’s conversation topic led us to an interesting debate at the dinner table and we have found ourselves in a second showdown…

Can dreams come true?

Introduction This week is going to be easy, just have to answer two simple questions: “Will education as we know it change because of technology? Where and how will you be teaching in 5, 10, 15 years time?” First question: Uh, yes! Second question: If my plan of winning the lottery pans out I will…


Introduction Recruiting is a stressful time, looking at schools and job postings, submitting applications, waiting to get an invitation for an interview and then hoping you don’t screw up that interview. Most of the questions in those interviews are pretty standard questions so I came up with a fool-proof algorithm for my interviews: Listen to question…

PBL: a love letter

No fancy links or pictures this week, just a love letter …   Dear Project, Problem and Challenge Based Learning, I received some disturbing news about you this week: according to the COETAIL readings you’re considered to be part of “The Past“. As you know I consider myself to be a pretty progressive educator so…

Damn you COETAIL!

Stress!!! We all deal with stress in different ways and for me the stress of recruiting has been a mix of back pain and sleepless nights. So when I went to bed with an aching back I was actually excited because I knew I would have a good night of sleep. A lot of that stress disappeared…